“When they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.” —Genesis 4:8
Jealousy caused the first murder. “The Lord said to Cain: ‘Why are you so resentful and crestfallen?’ ” (Gn 4:6) Cain was jealous of Abel. The Lord told Cain: “Sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet you can be his master” (Gn 4:7). However, Cain was mastered by sin, and jealousy opened the door.
Jealousy not only caused the first murder, but also the greatest murder, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. “It was out of jealousy that they had handed Him over” (Mt 27:18). Jealousy ranks among the top killers in our world. Are you jealous of your spouse? Are you jealous of your own kids that they get more attention than you do? There’s a lot of jealousy at work and at church. Christians are jealous even of others’ graces and spiritual gifts (see Jas 4:5).
What can we do to be free from the bondage of jealousy? Let’s ask for the Spirit to cry out in us “Abba” (Rm 8:15) to confirm and affirm we are truly loved and need not compete for attention. The Father sent His Son to die for us (see Gal 4:4-5). What more could He do to prove His love?
Prayer: Father, may Your love displace jealousy in my life.
Promise: “The man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, ‘I have produced a man with the help of the Lord.’ ” —Gn 4:1
Praise: The seven founders of the Servite Order were prosperous cloth merchants in Florence, Italy. In the thirteenth century, these devout men left the city to pursue a simple life of prayer, chastity, and a devotion to the sorrows of the Blessed Mother. They founded the Order of Servites, which continues to this day.
Reference: (For a related teaching on Jealousy, view, download or order AV 53-3 or V-53 on our website.)
Rescript: "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for the publication One Bread, One Body covering the time period from February 1, 2025, through March 31, 2025. Reverend Steve J. Angi, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio May 22, 2024"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.