prophecy 2003-06-01 from jan luebbe »« prophecy 2003-03-01 from bob olson

prophecy 2003-04-01 from janet willig

April 1, 2003

My children, I call you to stretch beyond your comfort zones when it comes to hospitality. I call you to reach out to the imprisoned and the orphan; those imprisoned in a world of misplaced priorities and those who do not know their true identity as children of My Father. If you could only see things as they are! There are hordes of people who fill their time with "chasing bubbles over deadly snares." (Proverbs 21:6) Not only are they wasting their lives, but they are in danger of being destroyed. They occupy their time with foolish things, and their energy is spent on illusions. They laugh and smile in public, but in their hearts they are empty and aching. They desire My love, but they don't know where to find it, or even what they are looking for. Reach out to them and rescue them before it is too late. Reach out with a smile or a kind word (Proverbs 30:15). Give a sympathetic ear to listen to their complaint and their pain, and tell them of My love for them. Share the treasure you have with them. Share the good news of My love for them and share My Word. My Word is Spirit and Life and they so desperately need both of these. Do not keep this treasure for yourself and give one tiny piece at a time to others. Rather, open your coffer and pour it out on an aching, empty, starving world. Make today the day you begin a new outreach of My love in My name. If you are faithful in this, My message will spread through you to the ends of the earth. Know that I am with you always (Matthew 28:20) and in all things. Shalom.