prophecy 2003-03-01 from bob olson »« prophecy 2003-01-01 from kathy mccarthy

prophecy 2003-02-01 from

February 1, 2003

Excerpt from ONE BREAD ONE BODY FASTING AND FIGHTING "They will fast on that day." (Mark 2:20) Jesus promised that He would give His disciples the command and privilege to fast after He ascended. Fasting A.D. is powerful because the Lord has decided to make it the only way He drives out certain demons (Matthew 17:21 NAB). As Jesus fasted forty days and defeated Satan, so do we (see Matthew 4:2 ff). Because fasting has an irreplaceable part in New Testament spiritual warfare, we should be very careful when we fast. First, we must be totally committed to the Lord Jesus. Only under His authority are we in authority over the devil. Next, we must be repentant of sin and be forgiving others' sins. Otherwise, we cut ourselves off from God and are sure to be defeated. In New Testament fasting, we should usually fast communally. One-man armies don't win wars. We need each other in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:21 FF). In A.D. fasting, we must have our houses in order (see Isaiah 38:1). If there's anything wrong with our families, marriages, relationships, or lifestyles, Satan will viciously exploit these weaknesses. In effect, we must carefully obey the Lord, for when our obedience is complete, we will bring down Satan's stronghold (2 Corinthians 10:4-6) and quickly crush Him under our feet (Romans 16:20). Fast in Jesus. Clear out demons.