pope francis, shepherd of truth
April 1, 2013
Past Issues of Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth
See also Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth and John Paul Speaks
<% Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DBConn.Open Application("PresMinMySQL_ConnectionString") Set rsPope = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM PUB WHERE pubType = 'fst' AND DELETED = FALSE ORDER BY pubDate DESC" c = 0 curYear = "" rsPope.Open sqlStr, DBConn Do While rsPope.EOF = False If c Mod 2 = 0 Then rowBGColor = "#FFFFFF" Else rowBGColor = "#eeeeee" End If If c = 0 Then popelinkqstr = "?navlink=latest" Else popelinkqstr = "" End If d = rsPope("pubDate") fileBase = rsPope("fileBase") If curYear <> Year(d) And curYear <> "" Then %> <% If curYear <> Year(d) Then %>Date | Title | |||