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Friday, May 13, 2022

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Our Lady of Fatima

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“The inhabitants of Jerusalem and their rulers failed to recognize Him, and in condemning Him they fulfilled the words of the prophets which we read sabbath after sabbath.” —Acts 13:27

We can go to church every week or every day, hear God’s Word, and still fail to recognize Jesus. We can read the Bible daily, including the Bible readings and teachings in this book, One Bread, One Body, but not give our lives totally to the Lord. We can even confess Jesus as Lord (Mt 7:21), prophesy, do miracles, and drive out demons in His name (Mt 7:22), but not have the right relationship with the Lord. Thus, He may say to us: “I never knew you. Out of My sight, you evildoers!” (Mt 7:23)

Let us not miss the day of salvation, the season of mercy, and the time of God’s visitation (see Lk 19:41ff). We have been baptized into Christ Jesus. He is within us. “How shall we escape if we ignore a salvation as great as ours?” (Heb 2:3)

“Delay not your conversion to the Lord, put it not off from day to day” (Sir 5:8). “Now is the acceptable time! Now is the day of salvation!” (2 Cor 6:2) Let us accept Jesus on His terms. Let us love Him with a total, crucified love, and thus love Him as He has loved us. The Lord is giving you the grace at this moment to give yourself totally to Him. Say “Yes” to Jesus.

Prayer:  Father, I am all Yours.

Promise:  “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God and faith in Me.” —Jn 14:1

Praise:  As a Church-approved Marian apparition, Our Lady of Fatima has encouraged many Catholics to grow in piety. Public devotion spanning more than 100 years has brought about many conversions.

Reference:  (For a related teaching on Thankful to Be Catholic, view, download or order our leaflet or listen to, download or order our CD 49-3 or DVD 49 on our website.)

Rescript:  In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for the publication One Bread, One Body covering the time period from April 1, 2022 through May 31, 2022. Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio August 3, 2021

The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.