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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

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St. Margaret of Scotland
St. Gertrude the Great

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“a noble example” (2 mc 6:28)

“Therefore, by manfully giving up my life now, I will prove myself worthy of my old age, and I will leave to the young a noble example of how to die willingly and generously for the revered and holy laws.” —2 Maccabees 6:27-28

The ninety-year-old Eleazar refused to save his life by pretending he was eating pork. He knew that the example of his life of holiness would remain with others long after he died. Eleazar intentionally decided to offer his life and his faithful death as an example (2 Mc 6:19ff). St. Stephen’s example of holy martyrdom became an example for Saul of Tarsus, who became St. Paul (Acts 7:58). St. Paul understood the importance of being an example of a life of faith for others. He told the Corinthian Christians: “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1). The Thessalonian Christians likewise imitated Paul’s example and later became examples for other disciples in Greece (1 Thes 1:6-7).

Jesus Himself suffered for you and “left you an example, to have you follow in His footsteps” (1 Pt 2:21). When Jesus humbled Himself to wash the feet of His disciples the night before He died, He specifically mentioned to them that “what I just did was to give you an example: as I have done, so you must do” (Jn 13:15).

I have often heard homilists declare: “Faith is caught more than taught.” People look for examples to imitate. If they can’t find inspiration from Christians, they look to entertainers, athletes, and other public figures. We Christians have the opportunity to offer to the world “a noble example” of how to live and die joyfully in a life of faith. People are watching us. Will the example of faith they see in our life inspire them to follow Jesus?

Prayer:  Father, when others see me, may they see only Jesus.

Promise:  “The Son of Man has come to search out and save what was lost.” —Lk 19:10

Praise:  St. Gertrude the Great’s writings teach us how to see ourselves as the bride of Christ.

Reference:  (This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)

Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for the publication One Bread, One Body covering the time period from October 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021. Reverend Steve J. Angi, Vicar General, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio April 14, 2021"

The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed.