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Sunday, November 8, 2015

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32nd Sunday Ordinary Time

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money matters

Jesus "called His disciples over and told them: 'I want you to observe that this poor widow contributed more than all the others who donated to the treasury.' " —Mark 12:43

What if you and your country are in a major financial crisis? You have enough for one more meal, and after that you expect to starve to death (see 1 Kgs 17:12). What should you do? You should give the little that you have (1 Kgs 17:13) to the poor and thereby to the Lord (see Mt 25:40). After the widow of Zarephath did this, "she was able to eat for a year, and [Elijah] and her son as well; the jar of flour did not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry, as the Lord had foretold through Elijah" (1 Kgs 17:15-16).

Suppose you love God with all your heart and soul. You would like to express your love in a monetary way, but you have only a penny. What should you do? Give the penny to the Church. In this way, you will contribute "more than all the others," for "they gave from their surplus wealth," but you gave from your want, all that you "had to live on" (Mk 12:43-44).

You wish you could have your sins wiped away; then give alms (Lk 11:41). You want God to entrust you with greater responsibilities. You want to be responsible in managing the money and possessions God has given you (Lk 16:10). You'd like to root major problems out of your life. Then repent of the love of money (1 Tm 6:10).

Money and possessions matter — not accumulating them but distributing them as good and faithful stewards of the Lord (Mt 25:21). Trust and obey the Lord.

Prayer:  Father, I accept You as Lord of "my" money and possessions.

Promise:  "Christ was offered up once to take away the sins of many; He will appear a second time not to take away sin but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await Him." —Heb 9:28

Praise:  Praise Jesus, "the Resurrection and the Life" (Jn 11:25), Lord of All. Alleluia!

Rescript:  †Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 20, 2015

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