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Saturday, November 16, 2013

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St. Margaret of Scotland
St. Gertrude

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word-power and prayer-power

"Your all-powerful word from heaven's royal throne bounded, a fierce warrior, into the doomed land, bearing the sharp sword of your inexorable decree." —Wisdom 18:15-16

Jesus, the Word of God, is all-powerful. The Word of God leads the conquering armies of heaven (Rv 19:13-14). "Out of His mouth came a sharp sword for striking down the nations" (Rv 19:15).

God's Word in the teachings of the Church and the Bible is also powerful. God's Word does not return to Him void, for it achieves the end for which He sent it (Is 55:11). "There is no chaining the word of God!" (2 Tm 2:9) "No one can resist" God's Word (Jdt 16:14).

For God's Word to manifest its full power, however, there is "the necessity of praying always and not losing heart" (Lk 18:1). Paul commanded: "Pray constantly and attentively for all in the holy company. Pray for me that God may put His word on my lips" (Eph 6:18-19). "Pray that I may have courage to proclaim it as I ought" (Eph 6:20). "Pray for us that the word of the Lord may make progress and be hailed by many others, even as it has been by you" (2 Thes 3:1).

As Joshua fought in the valley (see Ex 17:8ff), so countless Joshuas are wielding the sword of God's Word (Heb 4:12) in the valleys of this world. As Moses prayed on the mountain and brought Joshua success, so we must pray for God's Word to be "not a mere matter of words...but one of power" (1 Thes 1:5). Proclaim God's all-powerful Word and pray.

Prayer:  Father, let Your Word burn deep in me (Lk 24:32). May it be like fire in my bones (Jer 20:9).

Promise:  "Will not God then do justice to His chosen who call out to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them, do you suppose? I tell you, He will give them swift justice." —Lk 18:7-8

Praise:  St. Margaret, queen of Scotland, and her husband, the king, prayed together and personally fed the poor of their nation.

Rescript:  †Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, May 22, 2013

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