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Monday, February 14, 2011

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Sts. Cyril & Methodius

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walking with a cain

"She conceived and bore Cain, saying, 'I have produced a man with the help of the Lord.' " —Genesis 4:1

Cain killed his brother after becoming resentful, crestfallen, and alienated from his brother, God, and himself (Gn 4:5ff). The name "Cain" means "I have produced," but Cain's sin prevented the soil he tilled from producing (Gn 4:12). The man named "I have produced" couldn't produce. Cain lost the meaning of his name. He lost his identity and became "a restless wanderer" (Gn 4:14).

We have much in common with Cain. Ultimately, we have the same parents and the same fallen nature. Cain is our brother. Like Cain, we may be alienated from God, others, and ourselves. We have Cain inside us. The only way to get Cain out of us and to be reconciled with God rather than alienated from Him is to be born again, created anew (see Gal 6:15), begotten from above (Jn 3:3). We were freed from being like Cain, and we were saved by Jesus when we were baptized. Cain inside us was drowned in the waters of baptism, but we are repeatedly tempted to bring him to the surface. By faith, we must resist these temptations and live our baptized life.

We will either be like Cain or Jesus. We will be ministers of reconciliation with God (2 Cor 5:18) or alienated from God. We will produce abundantly for the Lord (Jn 15:5) or be spiritually barren. Be another Christ, not another Cain. Live your baptism.

Prayer:  Father, may I live a radically new life. May I live my baptism.

Promise:  "God has granted me more offspring in place of Abel." —Gn 4:25

Praise:  Sts. Cyril and Methodius laid down their lives to bring unity and the gospel to the peoples of the Slavic nations.

Reference:  (Help us continue our ministry of discipling souls for Christ. Call 937-587-5464 or 513-373-2397 to see how you can help.)

Rescript:  †Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, July27, 2010

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