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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

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St. Ambrose

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"To whom can you liken Me as an equal? says the Holy One." —Isaiah 40:25

No one equals God in anything. Consider God's strength; He is unequaled in strength. Almighty God is so strong that He made and sustains the millions of stars which span light-years in space (Is 40:26).

Almighty God is willing to share His unlimited strength with us. "He gives strength to the fainting; for the weak He makes vigor abound" (Is 40:29). When God strengthens old or weak people, they can outrun, outwork, and outlast young folks. Those who let God renew their strength "will soar as with eagles' wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint" (Is 40:31).

It gets better. God will make you so supernaturally strong that you will be able to say with Paul: "In Him Who is the Source of my strength I have strength for everything" (Phil 4:13). God's love in you will be stronger than death (see Sg 8:6). Death, sickness, pain, and Satan will wear out before you will. You will have the strength to enter into eternal life and rest (see Mt 11:29).

To receive this supernatural strength, come to Jesus. "All you who are weary and find life burdensome" (Mt 11:28), come to Jesus.

Prayer:  Father, beginning this Advent may I have Your strength for everything.

Promise:  "My yoke is easy and My burden light." —Mt 11:30

Praise:  St. Ambrose put all his giftedness — his intelligence, education, and passion — in God's employment. He was so holy as a catechumen he was selected for bishop at thirty-four.

Rescript:  †Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, July 27, 2011

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