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Monday, September 24, 2007

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Psalm 126

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broad daylight

"Take heed, therefore, how you hear." —Luke 8:18

Yesterday you heard the word of God at Sunday Mass. Do you remember what was read from the Bible? Did you take heed how you hear? Did you share the word, or put it under a bushel basket? (Lk 8:16) Did the word bear a hundredfold harvest in your life? (Lk 8:8)

The evil one robs many of us daily of God's word (see Lk 8:12). Since the Bible is more precious than silver or gold, this rates as a major theft. We're literally robbed blind. We don't even know we're being robbed, so we're robbed easily and continually, even several times a day. We have even been robbed of the ability to report the robbery.

We can stop all these robberies by putting on the lampstand every revelation we receive from God's word (Lk 8:16). With the light shining brightly and several people watching, the devil can't get away with robbing us. He can't rob us in the "broad daylight" of sharing God's word. "Everyone who practices evil hates the light; he does not come near it for fear his deeds will be exposed" (Jn 3:20). Either the devil steals the light or the light drives him away (Jn 1:5). Let it shine.

Prayer:  Jesus, may I tell someone about You before nightfall.

Promise:  "Whoever, therefore, among you belongs to any part of His people, let him go up, and may his God be with him!" —Ezr 1:3

Praise:  Even carrying the cross of extreme weakness and poor health, Lori continues to glorify her Lord.

Reference:  (Let the light shine by being a Bible teacher. For encouragement, order our tapes on the Bible Teachers Series. Our six-tape audio series starts with AV 117-1. Our three-part video series starts with V-117.)

Rescript:  †Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, March 14, 2007

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