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Thursday, August 2, 2007

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St. Eusebius of Vercelli
St. Peter Julian Eymard

Psalm 84

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"The reign of God is also like a dragnet thrown into the lake, which collected all sorts of things." —Matthew 13:47

The end of the world will be like sorting through the catch of a dragnet thrown into a lake. The angels will separate the worthwhile from the useless. The worthwhile will be taken to heaven to live with the Lord forever, while the useless will be hurled into the fiery furnace of hell (Mt 13:48-50).

On that last day, will your body be taken to heaven or hurled into hell? At this moment our heavenly Father and Potter (Is 64:7) is shaping our lives into something beautiful. If we let it be done unto us according to His word (Lk 1:38), our lives will be worthwhile and precious. However, because we are living stones and living clay, we have the freedom to tell the Potter not to lay a hand on us. But, "friend, who are you to answer God back? Does something molded say to its molder, 'Why did you make me like this?' " (Rm 9:20)

"The lesson is that if a person will but cleanse himself of evil things he may be a distinguished vessel, dedicated and useful to the Master of the house" (2 Tm 2:21).

Prayer:  Father Potter, pound me, water me, spin me, cut me, and try me by fire. I trust You.

Promise:  "In the daytime the cloud of the Lord was seen over the Dwelling; whereas at night, fire was seen in the cloud by the whole house of Israel in all the stages of their journey." —Ex 40:38

Praise:  St. Eusebius worked for unity within the Church by having other clergy adhere to the Nicene Creed.

Reference:  (For a related teaching, order our tape Book of Life on audio AV 82-1 or video V-82.)

Rescript:  †Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, March 14, 2007

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