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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

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St. Marguerite Bourgeoys

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"Therefore He had to become like His brothers in every way, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest before God on their behalf, to expiate the sins of the people." —Hebrews 2:17

Jesus "had a full share" in our human nature (Heb 2:14). He is truly and fully man. That Jesus, the Word, became flesh (Jn 1:14) is the most shocking event in the history of the human race. Bishop Sheen said that the difference between a human being and an amoeba is much less than the difference between God and man. Therefore, if a human being emptied himself of his humanity (see Phil 2:7) and became an amoeba, this would not be nearly as extreme as God becoming man.

Imagine you could become a termite and become a brother or sister to some other termites. Jesus' refusal to be "ashamed to call" us His brothers and sisters (Heb 2:11; see also 2:17) may be as shocking as His Incarnation.

Finally, Jesus decided to give Himself to us under the appearance of human food and drink, that is, bread and wine. If you had the power to appear as amoeba food or termite food, would you do such a thing?

Jesus incarnate, Brother Jesus, eucharistic Jesus is unimaginably shocking. Because God is Love (1 Jn 4:16), God is shocking. Live in His love (Jn 15:9-10).

Prayer:  Father, shock me into love.

Promise:  "Rising early the next morning, He went off to a lonely place in the desert; there He was absorbed in prayer." —Mk 1:35

Praise:  St. Marguerite sought out other women who shared her vision to serve Indian children and they became a community of sisters.

Reference:  (Lent is approaching. To help you observe Lent more deeply, order our book, Scriptural Stations of the Cross, and our leaflets, A Prophetic Lent, Lent and the Renewal of Our Baptismal Promises, The Secret of Fasting, and The Secret of Confession.)

Nihil Obstat:  Reverend Richard Walling, July 7, 2004

Imprimatur:  †Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, July 19, 2004