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Thursday, September 30, 2004

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St. Jerome

Psalm 27

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he lives

Job prayed that his words would be inscribed in a record (Jb 19:23). His prayer was answered when these words became part of the Bible. Job also prayed that his words would be cut in the rock forever with an iron chisel and with lead. His following words were even further immortalized through Handel's Messiah. Job proclaimed: "I know that my Vindicator lives" (Jb 19:25), which is also translated: "I know that my Redeemer liveth."


Editor's note: The words you read above are the last written words of Father Albert Lauer, founder and long-time author of One Bread, One Body (OBOB). Fr. Al passed from this life to His eternal reward on October 13, 2002. He wrote these words in great suffering from his deathbed two weeks before he died of liver cancer. So intense were the sufferings of his final weeks that he was not able to complete this final teaching.

The words of those dying in the Lord are precious to Him (see Ps 116:15). Father's final words to you proclaim his undying faith in Jesus, his Redeemer. His life was a constant proclamation that Jesus is Lord and Redeemer, "the Resurrection and the Life" (Jn 11:25), "the Way, and the Truth, and the Life" (Jn 14:6). Please pray for his soul, and be assured that he is praying assiduously for you, his beloved readers of OBOB.

In the Holy Spirit, and in Fr. Al's spirit, we at Presentation Ministries are continuing to produce OBOB. We have produced another two years of OBOB teachings since Father's death, drawing heavily upon Fr. Al's twenty years of teachings.

St. Jerome, patron of Bible studies, pray for us. Fr. Al Lauer, pray for us.

"I know that my Redeemer lives!"

Nihil Obstat:  Reverend Richard L. Klug, January 16, 2004

Imprimatur:  †Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, January 26, 2004