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Saturday, September 20, 2003

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Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon,
Paul Chong Hasang,
and the Korean Martyrs

Psalm 100

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god's word on our god-given mission

" 'Some fell on good soil, grew up, and yielded grain a hundredfold.' As He said this He exclaimed: 'Let everyone who has ears attend to what he has heard.' " —Luke 8:8

Before God created the world, He planned your life. He gave you a mission that is exactly what our culture needs. From the moment of your conception, the Lord has been trying to groom you for your special mission.

The Lord is preparing you for your mission in many ways, especially through His word. If you hear His word and embrace it with a generous and good heart (Lk 8:15), you will probably accomplish your mission and change the world for Jesus. If, on the other hand, your reception of God's word is "stifled by the cares and riches and pleasures of life" (Lk 8:14), you will not produce fruit, not accomplish mission, and not be what you were created to be. Thus, it is supremely important that we hear, know, do, live, and share God's word. This should be a high priority each day of our lives. To live God's word is the love and joy of our lives (see Jer 15:16).

Consequently, before going to Mass prayerfully read the Bible readings for each Mass. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you exceptionally attentive when God's word is read at Mass. After Mass, write down at least one way you will do God's word and at least one person with whom you will share God's word.

Love God's word. Abide in it (Jn 8:31). Do your God-given mission in life.

Prayer:  Father, may I receive Your word not as "the word of men, but as it truly is, the word of God at work within [all] who believe" (1 Thes 2:13).

Promise:  "To you the mysteries of the reign of God have been confided." —Lk 8:10

Praise:  The Korean martyrs' witness bears fruit in our time in the phenomenal growth of the church in Korea.

Nihil Obstat:  Reverend Richard L. Klug, February 27, 2003

Imprimatur:  †Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, March 3, 2003