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Saturday, March 1, 2003

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Psalm 103

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jesus loves children

"People were bringing their little children to Him to have Him touch them, but the disciples were scolding them...Jesus became indignant when He noticed it and said to them: 'Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them.' " —Mark 10:13-14

Jesus loves children. He created children. He's the only Person Who ever intentionally became a Child. He embraces and blesses children (Mk 10:16). He makes children a sign, a sacrament of His kingdom (Mk 10:15).

Jesus wants His disciples to imitate Him in His love for children. He wants:

  • married couples to joyfully conceive children,
  • children to be cherished, not aborted,
  • parents to bring up their children "with the training and instruction befitting the Lord" (Eph 6:4),
  • parents to bless and pray with their children daily,
  • parents to lead their children to give their lives totally to Jesus,
  • children to receive the Holy Spirit as soon as possible (see Lk 1:15),
  • children to be prepared at an early age for their vocations as married people, single for the Lord, priests, or religious,
  • children to be protected and not exposed to the toxic influences of our culture of death, and
  • godparents to repeatedly share their faith with their godchildren.

In a culture where children are avoided, aborted, abused, and disrespected, Jesus is the Savior of children. Jesus proclaims: "Let the children come to Me" (Mk 10:14).

Prayer:  Father, may children see Jesus in me and may I see Jesus in them.

Promise:  "All their actions are clear as the sun to Him, His eyes are ever upon their ways." —Sir 17:15

Praise:  Matt and Stephanie continue to be open to the bearing of more children even though they may be outgrowing their house.

Nihil Obstat:  Reverend Robert L. Hagedorn, August 1, 2002

Imprimatur:  †Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, August 7, 2002