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Friday, October 25, 2002

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Psalm 24

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"Make every effort to preserve the unity." —Ephesians 4:3

The Lord has called us to unity — to be one as the Trinity is one (see Jn 17:21). Jesus died (Jn 11:51-52) so that we would be baptized into one body, in one Spirit (1 Cor 12:13), in one hope, "one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father" (Eph 4:4-6).

Because our Trinity-unity is at the heart of God's plan, it is the prime target of the evil one. Consequently, we must "make every effort to preserve the unity which has the Spirit as its origin and peace as its binding force" (Eph 4:3). To preserve and deepen unity with the Lord, in the Church, and in marriage and family, we should:

  • renew our Baptisms and totally give our lives to Christ,
  • "be filled with the Spirit" (see Eph 5:18) and never stifle the Spirit of unity (see 1 Thes 5:19),
  • receive Holy Communion daily or as frequently as possible,
  • repent of sins, for sins always divide the body of Christ,
  • submit to the authority of the Church, for there is no unity without authority, and
  • forgive 70 X 7.

The Lord commands us: "Make every effort to preserve the unity which has the Spirit as its origin" (Eph 4:3). Obey the Lord of unity.

Prayer:  Father, to preserve unity I will accept Your grace to take up the cross and humble myself. Give us a new Pentecost of unity.

Promise:  "He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, a reward from God his Savior." —Ps 24:5

Praise:  After submitting to the authority of her husband, Mary experienced a new sense of order and a deep peace.

Reference:  (For a related teaching, order our tape Don't Stifle the Spirit on audio AV 56-3 or video V-56.)

Nihil Obstat:  Reverend Richard L. Klug, April 10, 2002

Imprimatur:  †Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 18, 2002