presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 16, issue 1 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 14, issue 2
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 15, issue 1
June 1, 2013
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
We are roughly half way through The Year of Faith which ends November 24, 2013, The Feast of Christ the King. Can you tell your faith is growing?
![]() Fr. Al Luaer, Founder of Presenation Ministries |
Paul Jansen Discipleship Retreat Center: "Getting 'Er Done"
Stable and Faithful Worker Goes on to His Eternal Reward
A Note From a Fellow Coworker, Working in the Vineyard of the Lord
Treat Yourself to the Bible Institute This Year to Honor the "Year of Faith"
Bible Telephone Message Now Available More Than Ever Before!
Correspondence From Our Readers and Listeners Near & Far
Women' Retreat: A Sacramental Day
Sprucing Up the Full Time Workers' House
Recent Prophecies for Presentation Ministries
Paul Jansen Discipleship Retreat Center: "Getting 'Er Done"
Fr Al's words of wisdom from "The Lord Laughs"
After preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus for several years throughout the USA and Canada, I would simply say:
- "The harvest is good but laborers are scarce" (Mt 9:37).
- "We, the Church, exist to evangelize" (On Evangelization, Pope Paul VI, 14).
- Love the Church as Christ loved her (Eph 5:25).
- The Lord is merciful, and His grace is always sufficient (2 Cor 12:9).
- Jesus said: "I tell you all this that in me you may find peace. You will suffer in the world. But take courage! I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33).
Prayer: Father, may I love You totally and forever. Amen.
As many know, the Paul Jansen Discipleship Retreat Center in Adams County, Ohio has been blessed with running water taps from the county for a couple of years.
A newer development came as the State of Ohio finally granted a permit for our proposed septic system. PM has signed a contract with a qualified company and the materials have been ordered to complete the installation at a cost of $46,000. This is scheduled for early June, 2013.
PM also applied to the State of Ohio to restart the building project, and permission is pending, but expected, also in June. A call for bids has gone out to complete two bathrooms—men's and women's— along with one meeting room, and as many as ten dorm rooms. However, there may only be enough money to complete six dorm rooms, rather than ten at this time. The final goal will be 40-42 dorm rooms, plus two more bathrooms.
Due to its proximity to the new building, the old barn will have to be razed. To house the various tractors and mowers, a utility building will be constructed, a 30 X 40 pole barn.
So, you can imagine, much prayer is needed and requested as we take these new strides toward the final goal. Pray for the finances necessary, plus a clear vision for the overall completed complex. [Fr Al Lauer, pray for us.]
Co-Workers' News
Submitted by Mike Halm
The annual co-worker retreat this February was a day of encouragements. It began in the best possible way, with Mass at St. Antoninus, followed by music and praise with Paul Egan and Dave Willig. The theme of the retreat was "For the Love of Christ Impels us ..." (2 Cor 5:14) The co-workers prayed for the teachers before each session to "give [him/her] the words that we need to hear" and were answered with overlapping encouragements to be who we are, God's ambassadors and instruments.
Deacon George Schmidl, Presentation Ministries' Head Director and newly named Chaplain, began by reminding co-workers of "The Gift of Presentation Ministries". We have been called, he said, "to help Christians to grow in discipleship, to live as different people" (Lk 18:8).
"It is no accident that we have this retreat today," he noted, "when the first reading was on the Commandments," when our culture is so out of touch with living by them. "Our mission is to bring order to the chaos in our culture," so all can "live in peace, security and harmony" (Mt 12:38-39).
As co-workers we do this primarily by "living a different lifestyle, one guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, one that not only means stability for society but fulfillment for oneself."
![]() The all-important time for praising God begins the Annual Coworker Retreat, Feb, 2013. |
"We are doing what we are called to do Biblically" (Rom 12:1-3). The website has had 800,000 hits, "Daily Bread Radio" is on 23 stations, there have been 26 Bible Institutes, 150 at the last Discipleship retreat as One Bread, One Body and Un Pan, Un Cuerpo reach thousands daily.
Deacon Wayne Davis, who leads the Bible Telephone Line Ministry, kept with the theme, answering the question, "What is the Meaning for Being Coworkers?" As co-workers we are living out what Vatican II, the 2008 synod on the Word of God and the pope's 2010 exhortation called us to do, the new evangelization, ushering in a rediscovery of faith. We do so by no longer living for ourselves, as the worldly do, but for Him. We do so because we know He died for us, for me, because He loved me first.
"It is not only our calling," he encouraged, "but our joy, to communicate the faith. We should be busier than we have ever been. `Do not grow slack' " (Rom 12:9).
We have many Catholics who have been swept along with the culture of death, using as a parallel Biblical example, Balam, who lived like the Midianites. Even so, he could only do what God allowed. We on the other hand must do more. We must be zealous like the Maccabees who lived in a time not unlike our own. The evils that once were grudgingly permitted are now mandatory. Our government is trying to force us to do what is against our consciences. Yet all our struggles can have eternal reward.
In Mary Cappel's talk, "Restoring Our Confidence in Jesus Christ," she first reminded us that we, the baptized, have all we need, if we are willing to give all. Going through Hebrews 11 she encouraged us by retracing the history of faith from Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Rahab, to Mary, the apostles, the disciples, the martyrs, to us. We too are part of this history of faith, this drama of suffering.
![]() Even though some had to excuse themselves early, a nice crowd of Coworkers gathered for a group shot at the end of the 2013 Retreat. |
John Paul II said, "It is suffering more than anything that saves souls." and "It is not instruction or persuasion, but dying to self that wins souls. We bear fruit individually and communally when we depend upon God for all of our needs. Each Christian's words and life must resound with `God loves you!' through testimony only they can give."
This sixteen-month Year of Faith, this Lent, is an opportunity to deepen our faith. "Prayer knocks, fasting opens and almsgiving lets grace in." This year we must examine ourselves daily, do more, and do better and most importantly, as 1 Corinthians says, do all in love.
The lunch break too was nourishing with chicken noodle, bean and ham, tomato basil, turkey lentil, pea and ham, cheesy potato, beef-barley soups, breads and fellowship.
In the afternoon session we were reminded that we have been prepared for this for some time with prophesies like, "Get yourselves ready because people will be coming." Others confirmed that this was happening with news of a new radio station developing in Miami, communal prayer in their parish, more than enough priests for Confessions in at Bible Institute, and conversations about medals or public prayer leading others to return to the Church.
Stable and Faithful Worker Goes on to His Eternal Reward
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Bob Stocker, a long time member of Presentation Ministries and a faithful worker, passed away November 7, 2012 at the age of 77. He was a member almost from the very beginning. He assisted Fr Al Lauer as a director in the early years of the ministries. Before purchasing the Ministry Center on McHenry Ave in Cincinnati in March of 1987, Bob lent his architectural skills and know-how to check over the building. He oversaw the complete overhaul of the basement space, where mailings and meetings take place, designing and building the closets and also the kitchen area. Various repairs were needed in the main office level, plus in the apartment overhead, and Bob arranged for it all.
He assumed leadership of the bookpacking work for One Bread, One Body — a colossal task occurring every two months. He steadfastly served in this capacity for many, many years, before handing it on to Ivy Peppers.
Later, returning from a few years leave of absence, he joined the Tuesday "mailing crew" to help process the weekly orders from the mail, the phone, and website.
Faithfulness and stability were two wonderful gifts he gave to Presentation Ministries over the years.
God bless you, Bob! May your soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
A Note From a Fellow Coworker, Working in the Vineyard of the Lord
Thank you for your ministry and sending me a few extra One Bread, One Body (OBOB), so I can show them to parishes in the area that don't receive it.
I had you send several to Patty Brazier in Estill Springs, TN. This is a small Protestant Church mostly of young people where Sue and I ministered several weeks ago.
Patty passed the books out at Church on Sunday. There were exactly enough books for each member there. Before their Sunday service, they have a Bible study. They were all excited with the OBOB and promised to read back through December and they will use the OBOB for their future Bible studies discussing the daily readings and answering questions the kids have.
Their leader wants Sue and I to come back every couple of months.
Praise God from Whom all good things come!!!!
—Brother Jack Elsaesser
Treat Yourself to the Bible Institute This Year to Honor the "Year of Faith"
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The 2013 Bible Institute theme, "Freedom & Victory in Christ" raises our minds and hearts on high to see God's bigger picture. Christ and His Church are continually marching forward, as we, His Body, learn to use our spiritual charisms promised us when Jesus pronounced: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you" (Acts 1:8).
What was this power to be used for? "Go make disciples of all the nations" (Mt 28), including those people in your own home, extended family, school, parish, workplace, and neighborhood.
To help and encourage us on this mission, there will be many good speakers and teachers coming to minister to you, among whom are Jesse Romero, often heard on Catholic radio, and Deacon Ralph Poyo.
If you have young people, ages 13-19, do them a great favor by registering them for Deacon Poyo's one day Youth Seminar.
More information: or (513) 922-0923.
Bible Telephone Message Now Available More Than Ever Before!
Submitted by Darlene Davis
The Bible Telephone Line Ministry is now available as a digital file by email! To be added to the list of those receiving daily emails with the BTL message, send an email to Darlene Davis at .
For those who are not familiar with the BTL, it is a daily 4 - 5 minute teaching on the readings for Mass. It is available 24/7 on 27 local numbers, and all the local numbers have the same message. Teachers alternate between Deacon Wayne and Darlene Davis, and Jon Smith.
This ministry receives about 3500 calls each month to our 27 local numbers. We have set a goal of increasing that number to 5000 by the end of the year. In order to do that we need lots of new callers! If you would like to receive bookmarks to help advertise the BTL send your name and address to the above email.
Current local numbers are:
Akron, OH 330- 344-9180
Baltimore, MD 443-529-8282
Bismarck, ND 701- 595-5300
Boston, MA 508 591-0911
Cincinnati, OH 513 823-3111
Cleveland, OH 440 572-4366
Columbus, OH 614 210-3111
Detroit, MI 734 418-9101
Ft. Worth, TX 817 203-3933
Indianapolis, IN 317 564-9292
Jupiter, FL 561 768-4321
Lexington, KY 859 554-1500
Long Island, NY 631 317-2200
Los Angeles, CA 323 984-7500
Louisville, KY 502-694-3131
Miami, FL 305 520-9922
Perryville, MO 573-513-8411
Putnam, CT 860-821-0411
Phoenix, AZ 480 630-3999
Pittsburgh, PA 412-228-0228
San Diego 619 272-6111
St. Augustine, FL 904 414-4142
St. Louis, MO 314 561-7411
Toledo, OH 419 318-2211
Toronto, ON CAN 647 723-9923
Ottawa, ON CAN 613-694-1257
Charlotte, NC 704-594-4811
Correspondence From Our Readers and Listeners Near & Far
A caller, Jay, from TX says:
He started going to church 5 1/2 years ago. Found OBOB. He was "so far gone that he did not know the references at the top of each page were from the Bible!"
He simply read through the page every day. Since then, the Word has taken root in the depth of his soul. His life is completely changed for the good. He thanks PM for publishing this book and says keep up the good work!
From Wichita, KS
I am unemployed at this time and we are having a very difficult time making ends meet. Your reflections are so wonderful I would like to make sure I have my own copy of them.
I have been praying for help to find the right job since I was laid off with 300 other folks 14 months ago. I have not lost faith because my Lord is with.
Bless you and keep you well.
One Bread, One Body reader from Wichita, KS
An email from our One Bread, One Body PRINTER in the Philippines
Dear Jerry (Cappel),
Praise God for the Presentation Ministry and it's nice to hear from you. ... You know Jerry, we are a big family, I'm the 7th son in a family of eleven. I have 7 sisters and 4 brothers. I know my siblings won't let OBOB stop; we will use all our resources for the legacy of our parents. The help I was asking is for you to help us promote OBOB again, not just in Philippines but in Asia. I'm also planning to put a website for OBOB here just to promote, hopefully to increase its circulation again. Printing cost will be cheaper if the volume is bigger. OBOB is not an income generated to us, we just want it to be self-sustained for its continuous circulation.This was the wish of our parents to continue spreading the good news of our Lord, Jesus Christ through OBOB...Their Legacy!
Many of my parents' friends wish that we could translate it also in Filipino or "Tagalog". Hopefully we can do this in the future. Thank you very much again and also for all your work in Jesus name!
God Bless!
Sincerely yours,
Michael Leal
[Editor's note: Joe & Fran Leal, Michael's parents, were the first to print OBOB outside our own country.]
An Internet reader of One Bread, One Body
in response to the teaching on Saturday, October 20, 2012, HE'S STILL PRAYING FOR YOU
"I have never stopped thanking God for you and recommending you in my prayers." —Ephesians 1:16
During his life, Father Al Lauer, founder and long-time author of One Bread, One Body (OBOB), often prayed for you readers. It has been a decade now since his death, but I can still hear the voice of Father Al praying for his beloved OBOB readers...
Dear brother in Christ,
As I read today's teaching, my heart is filled with gladness and joy. I have been reading OBOB for the last two years, and indeed my life has greatly changed since then.
I have been transformed from just a Sunday Mass attendant to a daily Mass go-er. And I can see my life is being centered more on the Church and the Eucharist. I have a long way to go yet, this is just the beginning. Father Al Lauer is indeed praying for all the readers, that the teachings may bear fruit. His is truly a saint.
May God Bless you all in Christ, Tutis (Titus)
From Pago Pago
Dearest Friends at Presentation Ministries,
A big thank you or Fa'afetai tele lava (in Samoan) for the ONE BREAD, ONE BODY booklets (July-Sept 2012) that you sent. We've received two boxes so far. One came yesterday—right in time to distribute to all the priests, deacons and catechists at our Samoa, Pago Pago Diocesan Pastoral Council meeting.
The other larger box came about 2 weeks ago, right in time for the tsunami-recovery memorial ceremonies. We had 34 die here on our island of Tutuila, American Samoa in 2009 from a devastating tsunami. People from Homeland Security helped to distribute them at the ceremony. It was so timely, since the day of the tsunami was September 29 and your booklets had the September 30th date —so it was very touching.
From that large box, booklets were also handed out to a religious sister, Sister Faustina, who used them in her religion classes at the Fa'asao/Marist, the Catholic boys and girls High School here. Others were handed out to Filipino Sisters of the Dominican Order of the Trinity for their use and to give to teachers and workers and residents at the Hope House, home for the Aged and Disabled. The remaining booklets were given to members of the Legion of Mary and Divine Mercy groups for distribution to their members and the sick whom they visited.
Thank you again, so much for taking the time to send these to us...
Take care. Peace, joy and love of the Lord be with you,
Mrs. Agnes Vargo
Comments from TWO One Bread, One Body readers from Laredo, TX
I was very moved when I began reading the daily reflections. The reflections have really helped me trust more in the Lord. Sometimes it feels as though He is talking directly to me! I appreciate everything that all the volunteers do. Keep up the great work!
and another:
I was fortunate enough to get a copy of One Bread, One Body at church. It has definitely changed my life! I enjoy the daily reflections and it is the perfect way to get through the day. I have also shared it with all my family and they all agree...IT'S GREAT! Thank you to all the volunteers and staff that help put this together! You all are certainly a testament to the Lord's love. Thank you again and please continue touching lives!
One Bread, One Body News
Paul Egan, chief editor of One Bread, One Body, recently received an email from South Africa:
I would like to let you know that Deacon Raymond Dunlee passed away last Thursday 9th May. His burial services will be held on Saturday 18th May 2013 at 11:00 am.
I will still continue to print One Bread One BodyMany Thanks, Graham (Son)
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When Presentation Ministries (PM) made a decision to cease shipping overseas (due to soaring postage), Deacon Raymond Dunlee was one of the original few people from other countries to consider reprinting and distributing the One Bread, One Body. He began printing in 1996 and was very enthusiastic, not seeking to gain by it, but at least meet costs. Even when the expense began to be a little overbearing, and cut into his own pocket, he continued faithfully. He said the favorable letters he received from his readers kept him going.
In the summer of 2008 PM received a formal invitation to Raymond's ordination into the Diaconate of the Cape Town Archdiocese. What a wonderful excursion that would have been had any one of us attended the ceremony and represented PM!
After retiring, his son, Graham, ran the print shop, but Raymond continued to help print the book.
Well done, good and faithful servant! Thank you for your many endeavors on behalf of God's Word.
Thanks, too, for Graham, who continues the legacy in South Africa.
Women' Retreat: A Sacramental Day
by Diane Autenrieb
...holy boldness in going forth... to defeat the lies that are rampant in our culture.
Thirty women gathered together on Saturday, March 9th at the Paul Jansen Disciple Center to take part in a retreat entitled: Called to be Women of Faith and Women of the Word. The retreat purposed to equip women to respond to the challenge of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to make this a "Year of Faith" (from Porta Fidei), by studying the Catechism, and increasing their Scripture reading and other study. The day commenced with Morning Prayer. Three talks were given by members of New Creations home based community, and there was time for questions, discussion and sharing after each talk. The first talk given by Karen Klaene: "Not On Bread Alone", clearly spelled out how we, as women, by getting off course, have added to the problems we face today in our culture, and gave examples of how women of the Bible (both O.T. & N.T.) impacted their cultures in a positive or negative manner. She challenged us to do our part to be God-fearing women who continually grow in our own relationship with God and disciple others to do the same. She referred to Bl. John Paul II's words: "All Christians must refer always and everywhere to scripture for all their choices, becoming like children before it. They should seek in it the most effective remedy against all their weaknesses and not dare to take a step without being illumined by the divine ray of those words." The second talk given by Diane Autenrieb: "Called to Be Women of the Word", emphasized the importance of reading and studying Scripture in order to know Christ, so we can love Him and desire to serve Him. The better we know Jesus in our hearts, the more the world will see Jesus in our lives. We were reminded of St. Jerome's words: "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ" The third talk given by Judy Erwin, "Radiate the Word of Truth", challenged us to continue to get back to the basics of Mass, Eucharist, and Reconciliation to deepen our faith, give us a hunger for Scripture and to develop holy boldness in going forth to carry God's truth to defeat the lies that are rampant in our culture.
It was a sacramental day: Fr. Bachman celebrated Mass for us, was available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and exposed the Blessed Sacrament for a time of adoration.
The relaxed atmosphere generated uplifting conversation and interaction, and refreshing fellowship. At the end of the day prayer teams were available and we closed out the day in a circle, praying that as Mary said "yes" and accepted Jesus in her womb and brought Him into the world, we would say "yes" and accept Jesus into our hearts and take Him into the world.
Home Based Community News
Road Trip! — St John Bosco
Submitted by Kate Hein
A group of young people from St. John Bosco Youth Group will be attending the high school conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville in July, 2013.
The theme of the conference this year is: "Chosen" Because He first loved us"1 John 4:19.
Love is the strongest force in the world. It is unconditional. It never fails. And, at its center, love is a choice. This summer, we will explore that our ability to love is only because God first loved us
(1 John 4:19). He chose us. God's greatest desire is to be with us; not because of anything we can do for Him, but simply because He loves us. The youth are invited to experience a love that has no limits, no end, no strings attached.
Please pray that these teens grow in holiness on the retreat, are filled with the Holy Spirit, and return to evangelize their peers.
May God bless their trip, and may they come back renewed and refreshed in their faith as well.
Nourishing the Soul During This "Year of Faith"
Submitted by Nancy Fahringer
The ladies of the Holy Family Church Home in Indiana decided to participate in a two day Mother's Retreat at Maria Stein Retreat Center in Ohio. Among those participating were Linda Weckenbrock, Julie McDonald, Sue Loch, Lynette Kobs and Nancy Fahringer. Linda's daughter Nicole and granddaughter (baby) Isabella, and Nancy's daughter Suzanne and granddaughter (baby) Gemma also joined in. Janet Willig, from Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC in Cincinnati, attended as well.
The retreat was given by Fr. Nathan Cromley of the Community of St. John. Fr. Nathan is a powerful preacher who gets to the heart of the matter leading women to be what God has created and called them to be for the salvation of the whole world. We were especially happy to see Presentation Ministries materials passed out to each retreatant!
Fr. Nathan also gave the "Supercharge Your Soul" Sunday for young adults at the Holy Spirit Center on Feb. 24 which was attended by several Presentation-Ministries-raised young adults!
Annual "Prayer on the Square" is Growing
Submitted by Dave Willig
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Praise God our "Prayer on the Square" event this year on 12/12/12 at 12pm was very successful with over 70 faithful in attendance to pray the rosary before the beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the heart of our city.
To God be the Glory,
Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC Leader
The first Discipleship Retreat of 2013 drew a very large crowd ...
Submitted by Mary Kay Berning, Gone Fishing HBC
...and was entitled Let the Spirit Lead You into the Desert of Lent With His Gifts. It took place at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenhills, Ohio, a northern suburb of Cincinnati, on February 8 & 9. "Gone Fishing" Home Based Community (HBC) helped organize the retreat and worked many hours to provide the continental breakfast and brown bag lunches for the 168 registered attendees.
Six 45-minute teachings were presented. Fr. Ezra Sullivan, O.P., opened the retreat on Friday evening with a teaching on Enriching the Church with Your Spiritual Gifts and elaborated on the importance of not being ignorant of the spiritual gifts available to us. On Saturday, he taught us that the spiritual gifts bring unity to the Body of Christ — especially in this amazing Year of Faith. He taught about the two newly named Doctors of the Church, St. John of Avila and St. Hildegard of Bingen and their spiritual gifts. On Saturday, Fr. David Endres, professor at Mt. St. Mary Seminary, presented his teaching entitled Literally into the Desert — Lessons from St. Anthony on Spiritual Warfare, connecting seven aspects of Anthony's life to each of the gifts of the Spirit. Fr. David presided at the retreat Mass with a homily message to Come Away by Yourselves. Chris Jasek of Family of the Father Home Based Community gave the teaching, Confirmed and Sent Forth, witnessing how being confirmed makes our bond with the Church more perfect and strengthens our spiritual gifts. Vivian Jansen of Our Lady's Holy Mountain HBC taught on the topic: As We Grow so Grows the Church. Vivian gave a wonderful picture of how to live and grow in faith as fruit of the Spirit to become a true disciple of Christ.
Plenty of great food and holy fellowship filled out the lunch hour which "Gone Fishing" HBC lovingly served.
To close the retreat, everyone divided into two smaller groups with Nancy and Jeff Kenny leading each group with a bird's eye look at all of the Gospels readings we will hear during Lent and how the Gospels themselves take us on a journey. A prayer meditation followed, so that every attendee could Get Ready, Get Set, Go Forth! into the desert of Lent. Prayer teams were available afterwards to pray for a greater outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit.
The presence of the Holy Spirit was tangibly felt throughout the retreat; many observers shared that the praise and worship ministry reminded them of their early years in the charismatic movement.
The sacrament of Reconciliation was offered before Mass by Fr. David and Fr. Ezra and then was extended by at least an extra hour after Mass to accommodate the many who had waited in line to have their confession heard.
All six teachings and the homily can be found at to listen or download.
Sprucing Up the Full Time Workers' House
![]() Full time workers' 2-apartment house, undergoing much needed repairs. |
Presentation Ministries recently socked a sobering $35,000 into various crucial repairs to the double apartment full time volunteers' residence located one block from the Cincinnati Ministry Center. Some repairs were due, but postponed, at the time of purchase back in the mid-90s, and the rest have cropped up over the past eighteen years. Water damage and structural damage had to be halted to avoid any further problems. This is the first major investment of money, of any consequence, spent during PM's history of ownership.
Repairs included new bathrooms for each apartment, foundation repair, roof flashing repair, tree removal, several replacement windows, plaster and dry wall repair, electrical repair, and replacement of a rickety deck and entry stairs.
The occurrence of a large square of tile and wall plaster falling into a bathtub one day sparked a serious investigation of exactly what steps were necessary to take in order to keep the whole two-apartment dwelling secure and in good order for the future.
The decision to incur heavy expenses was coupled with the firm belief that we need to be good stewards of the property God gives us and that our Heavenly Father will provide for our needs — great as they are — especially during this "Year of Faith".
Join us in praying for the extra funds to cover this project to be poured out in abundance.
Recent Prophecies for Presentation Ministries
October, 2012
"All Scripture is inspired of God and is useful for teaching — for reproof, correction, and training in holiness so that the man of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work." —2 Tim 3:16-17
—Submitted by Word Gifts Ministry
January, 2013
"Streams of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High. God is in its midst; it shall not be shaken; God will help it at break of day. Though nations rage and kingdoms totter, God's voice thunders and the earth trembles. The LORD of hosts is with us; our stronghold is the God of Jacob." —Psalm 46:1, 5-8
—Submitted by New Creations HBC
February, 2013
"Prove yourselves innocent and straightforward, children of God beyond reproach in the midst of a twisted and depraved generation — among whom you shine like the stars in the sky." —Philippians 2:15
—Submitted by HIS Community
March, 2013
I beg of you, brothers, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. Labor until Christ is formed in you. Stay strong and stay together. (See Galatians 4: 12-19)
—Submitted by HIS Community