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prophecy 2009-10-29 from the word gifts ministry

October 29, 2009

Prophecy for Community Mass, October 29, 2009 The Lord says, “My little ones, I call you to wait on My perfect timing, for the fulfillment of My plan. Sometimes a delay is a result of God’s kindness (Ex 23: 28-30, Dt 7:22). Sometimes a delay is for the benefit of others, not you, and you are to patiently bear it so others you may never even meet can be blessed through you. In the meantime, I call you to sanctify yourselves, that is, repent and grow in holiness so that when I perform wonders among you, you will be ready and worthy to receive them. I know you feel as though you are waiting on Me, but in truth, I am waiting on you to get ready to receive all that I have for you. The leaders of the people have a special responsibility to prepare themselves for the wonders I am about to do. All of you must do your part in waiting patiently with confidence and encouraging others to do so, too. I call you to busy yourselves with prayers, fasting, almsgiving, and working diligently at growing in holiness. I will provide all that is needed when the time is right for the fulfillment of My plan. Trust in Me. Shalom.