prophecy 2008-08-01 from mary hennessey »« prophecy 2004-05-01 from bob and evelyn olson

prophecy 2007-05-19 from janet willig

May 19, 2007

My little ones, I call you (members of Presentation Ministries) to return to me with your whole heart and I will return to you. There is a blockage in this water situation (at the Discipleship Center) and in other areas as well. How can I open the floodgates of heaven to pour down blessings upon you when you hold back from giving Me your best, from tithing the best portion of your time and energy and effort? Bring in the whole tithe of your efforts, your best efforts, into the storehouse that there may be food in My house. My Word is food for the starving world, "Holy Viaticuum" to strengthen them for the journey. If you rob Me by holding back and not giving Me your best effort, the storehouse will not be full and many will perish. Return to Me with prayer, fasting, and weeping. Admit that you have not given your very best effort. Repent and re-form your life with Me at the center. Then I will indeed have compassion on you as one has compassion on the son who serves him. Then I will open the floodgates of heaven to pour down blessings upon you without measure. Trust deeply in Me. Shalom. — Malachi 3:7-17