prophecy 2004-04-01 from »« prophecy 2004-02-01 from

prophecy 2004-03-01 from

March 1, 2004

I sensed the Lord saying "Pray that you do not undergo the test. When attacked, injured or persecuted pray that you can respond in love and not react in anger. A three ply cord is not easily broken" (Eccl 4:12). Then I saw a ship (a working vessel that looked like it had been well used) tied to the harbor with a cable of rope. I understood that the cable represented Presentation Ministries and Communities. [We are] brothers and sisters by virtue of our baptisms whose lives, and families, are intertwined with each other through love, support, and convenants working for the Lord. Because of injuries, brokenness, misunderstandings, sin, miscommunication, lack of communication, and Satan's attacks there is continual stress exerted on this cable...There is constant need for forgiveness. "How many times must I forgive my brother? Seventy times seven times." Unforgiveness in our members will cause the cable to fray and weaken. Love, forgiveness, and the healing of bodies, minds and spirits will mend and strengthen the cable. Our hurts, our pain, our unforgiveness, our weakness, our sinfulness were all part of Jesus' agony in the garden. He says to us "Pray that you may not undergo the test" (Lk 22:39). Presentation Ministries and Communities, pray that you will not undergo the test. Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray! (Lk 22:40)