presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 10, issue 3 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 10, issue 1
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 10, issue 2
July 1, 2007
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() The Las Cruces Bible Institute Core Team |
Presentation Ministries Bible Institute Steps Out
One Bread One Body Popular in Northern Ontario!
Our Lady Spreads Her Mantel of Protection In Time of Crisis
"Flying Geese" Spin Off Into Wild Tangent
All Intercessors, Report For Duty!
Daily Bread Podcast a Real Hit
A Whirlwind Year: Conference, Retreat, Bible Institute, HBC, To Leadership!
Living the Liturgical Year in the Home
Presentation Ministries Bible Institute Steps Out
by Mary Handermann
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." —Acts 1:8
Six members of Presentation Ministries journeyed to Las Cruces, New Mexico to provide foundational teachings at their Mini Bible Institute in June. Mark Mussman and his team which included Jack Elsaesser, Shelley Meade, Bob and Evelyn Olson, and Mary Handermann were welcomed warmly by the Las Cruces team.
Even though this was their fourth annual Bible Institute, it was the first year that Presentation Ministries provided in-depth teaching on a variety of subjects; such as, Healing, Scripture, and the Holy Spirit.
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The teachings were received enthusiastically. For some people, it was the first time they encountered the level of teaching and equipping that is given each year at the summer Bible Institute in Cincinnati.
One participant shared that it was as if a light bulb went off _ everything clicked _ so that she could understand the Scriptures better. She was very touched by the entire event.
The music and worship were very moving as the music group lead songs in both Spanish and English.
One participant shared with Shelley Meade that "the Bible now made sense." She was amazed at how the Holy Spirit confirmed the teachings she had received in the Eucharistic Liturgy and in Scripture. She also stated that she had gained understanding of some of the spiritual gifts and the need to use them in the preparation and execution of the Mini Bible Institute.
Dan Schneider, a gifted and exciting teacher, presented the opening keynote talk on "The Throne of the Lord." Dan is a graduate of Steubenville University where he received his Master's in Theology. He has a broad knowledge of the faith and is a riveting speaker.
Many wonderful and powerful signs accompanied the proclamation of the Word at the healing service on Saturday evening lead by Jack Elsaesser. The people present shared the healings received at that time.
The PM team also made recommendations for future Mini Bible Institutes in order to help the Las Cruces team move forward in their discipleship and service.
The Las Cruces team headed up by Carmely Hamilton, with help from Michael and Rosemary Contreras, offered great hospitality to those who traveled there. A special thanks to the Bishop of Las Cruces who provided use of the Cathedral as well as providing the facilities for the team and speakers.
It is the hope of the PM team that by working closely with the Las Cruces people, we can help them in their future events.
One Bread One Body Popular in Northern Ontario!
by Judy Ferguson
![]() You don't get past Alana! "Here are some for your friends!" |
It goes without saying that One Bread, One Body (OBOB) is very special to me, since it was instrumental in my conversion to Catholicism, once being introduced to it and getting hooked on reading it. Last summer six of my friends also discovered OBOB while attending the Bible Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Upon returning to North Bay (Ontario) we conceived the notion to order this book for each parishioner. Our request for 150 copies surpassed the 100 families registered. However, OBOB was well-received and people even took extra copies for their friends. Our Pastor exuberantly encourages his flock to read the Sacred Scripture daily, especially the readings for Mass. I delivered a few One Bread, One Body to book racks in other parishes in North Bay delighting to see those taken as well. Understand, we are not aware of any Canadian Catholic daily devotionals, so a great need exists for these teachings.
During the Annual Presentation Novena I had asked the Lord for discernment. How could we bring about a greater awareness of Presentation Ministries (PM) and OBOB in our locale? Shortly after, I received an email from Ed Lekson suggesting how we might accomplish this in our diocese (which stretches from Sault. Ste. Marie to North Bay and contains the most populated part of northern Ontario).
At the time of this writing, sample copies were dispatched to all English-speaking parishes throughout the diocese with the help and encouragement of Kate Hein and Jerry Cappel. In another week as a follow-up, I plan to phone each pastor.
I am very excited about this opportune project promoting OBOB in our region. I believe this could be just
the beginning. To top it all off, I celebrated my first birthday as a Catholic on Pentecost Sunday! What a pleasant birthday present: to become involved in this outreach ministry of PM!
Our Lady Spreads Her Mantel of Protection In Time of Crisis
by Dawn Slike
When is a statue not a statue? When a statue of the Mother of Our Lord falls next to a sleeping child.
In early April, Wendy Fults, a member of St Pio Home Based Community, was sitting on the couch in her Madison, Ohio living room talking with her husband, Brian, on the phone. Toddler, Emily, was lying on the couch sleeping. Older children, Sam and Alyssa, and a neighbor child were playing in the bedrooms at the east end.
A few seconds later Wendy found herself under the crushing weight of an entertainment center, with the house's outer wall crumbling in pieces on top of it, along with their van, which had been shoved through the west wall of the house. A uncontrolled car had torpedoed more than a hundred feet off a side street, crossed a main road, careened through the neighbor's yards, and then slammed into their van which had been parked next to the house.
Little Emily, though covered in glass, was uninjured. The children in the bedrooms were uninjured. Wendy was extricated by emergency workers, rushed to the hospital, treated and released. She sustained multiple bruises, cuts and abrasions, with several serious cuts to her foot and a gash on her thumb. But her injuries were not life-threatening and she did not get any glass in her eyes; her writing hand went uninjured. Grateful to be alive herself, she naturally became overwhelmed to find little Emily completely spared.
She remarked that the strangest part of all was spotting the grill of her van behind the rubble of her shattered entertainment center, only eighteen inches in front of her face. The couch was FACING the west wall.
Imagine how poor Brian felt when suddenly his phone conversation with his wife erupted into hysteria! Fortunately, he was already on his way home from work, and arrived within minutes.
The driver of the car reportedly had a seizure, and when he regained composure, refused medical treatment.
Wendy realized later that the statue of Our Lady of Grace had been thrust forward from the top of the entertainment center landing on the couch next to Emily amid the chaos.
We know God protects us through Mary's intercession, along with His legions of angels, and with the souls of the other saints who have passed on to eternal life. Praise Jesus and His Blessed Mother, who watched over this family in a perilous situation!
Prophecies For PM
Prophecy for the September, 2006 Communities' Mass
Submitted by Judy Erwin
Christ's peace must reign in your hearts since as members of the body you have been called to that peace. Dedicate yourselves to thankfulness. Let the word of Christ, rich as it is, dwell in you. In wisdom made perfect, instruct and admonish one another. Sing gratefully to God from your hearts in psalms, hymns, and inspired songs. Whatever you do, whether in speech or in action, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to God the Father through Him. —Colossians 3:15-17
Prophecy for the October, 2006 Communities' Mass
Submitted by Word Gifts Ministry
"Bear hardship along with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier becomes entangled in the affairs of civilian life; he avoids this in order to please his commanding officer. Similarly, if one takes part in an athletic contest, he cannot receive the winner's crown unless he has kept the rules. The hard working farmer is the one who should have the first share of the crop. Reflect on what I am saying, for the lord will make my meaning fully clear.
Remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of David, was raised from the dead. This is the gospel I preach; in preaching it I suffer as a criminal, even to the point of being thrown into chains — but there is no chaining the word of God! Therefore I bear with all of this for the sake of those whom God has chosen, in order that they may obtain the salvation to be found in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory.
You can depend on this: If we have died with him we shall also live with him; If we hold out to the end we shall also reign with him. But if we deny him he will deny us. If we are unfaithful he will still remain faithful, for he cannot deny himself." —2 Timothy 2:3-13
Prophecy for the January, 2007 Communities' Mass
Submitted by Mark Mussman/Word Gifts
"I will stand at my guard post, and station myself upon the rampart, and keep watch to see what he will say to me, and what answer he will give to my complaint. Then the Lord answered me and said: Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that one can read it readily. For the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; if it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late." —Habakkuk 2:1-3
Prophecies for the February, 2007 Communities' Mass
Submitted by Fay Brinck
"It is time to overcome laziness and mediocrity, and to renew our whole life in the light of the Gospel." —John Paul II (Meditation for Ash Wednesday)
Day nine of the Presentation Ministries Novena
Submitted by Fay Brinck
"You have prayed and prayed, but you have not fasted. Fasting is what I desire."
Prophecy for March, 2007 Communities' Mass
The Word Gifts Ministry has spent time reviewing the prophecy received during the year 2006, in the hope of identifying a theme that would sum up what the Lord has been saying to Presentation Ministries throughout the past year. We have come up with the phrase "roots, shoots, and fruits" to express God's word to PM in the year 2006.
Roots: We must be rooted in the Word of God and in the foundational teachings of Fr. Al, standing firm in one Spirit. (Jeremiah 17: 7-8; Phil 1:27-30; Heb 6:1; Hos 6:1)
Shoots: We are called to grow to maturity and make steady progress in spreading God's Word and in calling others to faith in Jesus. (Col 3:15-17, Heb 6:1,3)
Fruits: We are expected to show forth the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives and to bear the fruit of love and evangelization. (Jas 3:17; Jer 17:7; Jn 15:16)
We received the following scripture as a confirmation:
"I will be like the dew for Israel; he shall blossom like the lily; he shall strike root like the Lebanon cedar; and put forth his shoots ...Because of Me you bear fruit." (Hosea 14:6-7,9)
Prophecy from 40 Hours Devotion, May, 2007
Submitted by Janet Willig
My little ones, I call you (members of Presentation Ministries) to return to Me with your whole heart and I will return to you. There is a blockage in this water situation (at the Discipleship Center) and in other areas as well. How can I open the floodgates of heaven to pour down blessings upon you when you hold back from giving Me your best, from tithing the best portion of your time and energy and effort? Bring in the whole tithe of your efforts, your best efforts, into the storehouse that there may be food in My house. My Word is food for the starving world, "Holy Viaticum" to strengthen them for the journey. If you rob Me by holding back and not giving Me your best effort, the storehouse will not be full and many will perish. Return to Me with prayer, fasting, and weeping. Admit that you have not given your very best effort. Repent and reform your life with Me at the center. Then I will indeed have compassion on you as one has compassion on the son who serves him. Then I will open the floodgates of heaven to pour down blessings upon you without measure. Trust deeply in Me. Shalom. —Malachi 3: 7-17
Prophecy for April, 2007 Communities' Mass
Submitted by Betty Orlando
This prophecy was from the reading for Morning Prayer on the occasion of our Annual Communities Retreat, October 14, 2007. There was a sense that Fr. Al Lauer was addressing this word to us. The Holy Spirit has brought it to our attention again for this Communities Mass.
Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in spirit and ideals.
Never act out of rivalry or conceit; rather, let all parties think humbly of others as more important than themselves, each looking out for other's interests rather than his own.
In everything you do, act without grumbling or arguing; prove yourselves innocent and straightforward, children of God beyond reproach in the midst of a twisted and depraved generation - among whom you shine like the stars in the sky while holding fast to the word of life.
As I look to the day of Christ, you give me cause to boast that I did not run the race in vain or work to no purpose. —Philippians 2:2-4; 14-16
"Flying Geese" Spin Off Into Wild Tangent
Here is something to think about. The ministry assigned to me as deacon is Pastoral Care. At a seniors' residence, I currently meet with twelve seniors weekly to pray the Rosary, and they have found that they want more. They would like to be considered as an extension of the parish family — members simply unable to come to the church. This lead me to attempt to establish a Small Christian Community.
Last week we were discussing the geese and the power and majesty that they have when they are flying in formation (an example taken from Presentation Ministries' Building Small Christian Communities, Seminar 1). One resident, a man of about 75, asked if he could make a comment. Cautiously, I assented, having learned that you have to expect the unexpected. The man said they may look majestic when they are flying but when they are on the ground, they do more damage to the farmers field than anything else. He said his solution was to continually fire off his shot gun to scare them away and if the pellets happened to bring down a goose they had a good supper that night. This anecdote really spun this seminar into a new direction making it difficult to get back on track.
My purpose of relating this story is to demonstrate there are two sides to every story and we must expect to meet up with all types of people and handle all types of personal experiences just as Jesus had to deal with adversity during his ministry on earth.
The feedback on the seminar was excellent, including the man who farmed in younger days. It must be pointed out that many of the people involved live with various stages of dementia.
Yours in the "Power of the Holy Spirit,"
Media Ministries News
Des Moines, Iowa / Peoria, Illinois / Bloomington, Illinois / Rogers, Arkansas Radio Stations Add Fr. Lauer's Program
by Dean Weber
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature." —Mark 16:15
KWKY-AM 1150, "KWKY Catholic Radio" heard in Des Moines, Iowa has now added Fr. Lauer's "Daily Bread" radio program. It is on the air at 6:30 AM, Monday through Friday. We want to thank the management of "KWKY Catholic Radio" for starting a Catholic station and airing Fr. Lauer's program.
WEWT-FM 103.3 "Truth 103" heard in Peoria and Bloomington, Illinois has now added Fr. Lauer's "Daily Bread" radio program. It is on the air at 6:00 AM, Monday through Friday. We want to thank the management of "Truth 103" for starting a Catholic station and airing Fr. Lauer's program.
KDUA-FM 96.5 heard in Rogers, Arkansas has now added Fr. Lauer's "Daily Bread" radio program. It is on the air at 6:45 AM, Monday through Friday. We want to thank the management of KDUA for starting a Catholic station and airing Fr. Lauer's program.
Most Popular Videos
by Sue Weber
Following are the five most frequently ordered videos on our Website.
- "Developing A Deep Personal Relationship With Jesus" (V-52)
- "Life In The Spirit Seminar" (V-8A & V-8B
- Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John (V-21)
- Bible Commentary: Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and & 2 Corinthians (V-22)
- "How To pray the Bible and "Ignorance of Scriptures/Ignorance of Christ (V-82)
Audio Tape Witness
by Sue Weber
Dear Family of Presentation Ministries:
I want to thank you all for sending me the tapes of Fr. Al. When I am finished listening to them they are given to a friend and then taken to our Chapel where others can benefit from the wisdom on these precious tapes. Thank you again for your faithfulness in following Christ in sharing.
Thank you all again.
Internet Radio Stations
by Dean Weber
A new type of communications is up and running and Fr. Lauer's radio programs are on the following Internet Radio Stations:
All Intercessors, Report For Duty!
by Diane Autenrieb, Leader of Intercessory Ministry
"Therefore He is always able to save those who approach God through Him; since He forever lives to make intercession for them." —Hebrews 7:25, mission statement for PM' Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Timothy 2:1 "First of all, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for all men."
Fr. Al Lauer believed that intercession for ministry is foundational for growth and guidance. Therefore, the Intercessory Prayer Ministry was discerned and developed during the early days of Presentation Ministries (PM). A group of willing people spending time with the Lord to listen for His direction for PM describes Fr Al' vision for this ministry. Direction from the Lord may come through prophecy, word of knowledge, scripture, and in other ways.
When intercessors approach God to pray, we report for duty, we don't give orders. With prayers of "petition" we lay our needs, as we see them, on God's heart. Conversely, with "intercession", we wait for God to speak to our hearts. We exercise our gift of listening for God's voice. We must dedicate time each day for this purpose. We are prayer warriors. We pray to fight and we fight for time to pray.
Intercessors for Presentation Ministries are called to a simple life-style. We devote ourselves to the Sacraments, attending Mass as often as possible, and confessing through monthly Reconciliation. Daily, we pray the Liturgy of the Hours or a rosary. A core group of six intercessors additionally gather together monthly for one hour, praying and seeking God's direction. A remarkable total of eighty people intercede daily for PM. Each receives a monthly letter keeping them informed of PM's needs and petitions to lift up to the Lord. For one year, beginning in December, we are making use of prayer and fasting both. We are focusing our prayers for family members who have fallen away from the Church.
The purpose of intercession is for God's will to be done. His plan is unchanging, and He wants all to be saved. We live to sacrifice and intercede for the salvation of souls.
Anyone wishing to commit as one of PM's intercessors should contact our office. We will point you in the right direction. (513) 662-5378
Daily Bread Podcast a Real Hit
by Chris Jasek
The Daily Bread podcast hosted on the PM website has grown tremendously over the past year. Currently over 400 people listen to the show over the internet each day. This doubles our audience from last year. Our podcast remains top ranked at and is also available through iTunes. If you use iTunes please subscribe to our podcast to help boost our ratings. Many people leave comments about the show on the godcast1000 site. Below is a sampling:
- Full of rich scriptural detail and sound spiritual takeaways. User-friendly, accessible to the non-M.Div. crowd. Totally enjoyable from start to finish!
- This is one inspirational show. I enjoy listening to Father Al preach. After the Daily Bible Readings for the day, his show is at the top of the list of shows I listen to.
- Fr. Lauer has passed on but his words and charisma speak volumes to us. He truly passes on his excitement and love for God on a level that has truly touched me.
- It's the best! Hope this site may save a lot of lost souls! God bless!
- Fr. Al Lauer is a prophet in our own time.
- I really appreciate this broadcast because it focuses on the liturgical readings for the day and provides a practical application. I listen to this in North Bay, ON (Canada), podcast.
- If you want to hear the you would from Fr John Corapi or Father Bill Casey, you also find it with Fr Al Lauer.
A Whirlwind Year: Conference, Retreat, Bible Institute, HBC, To Leadership!
by Mary Lamparyk
We told each other: "When the time came for Ed to retire from his paid job, we would like to work full time for our Lord!" This realization dawned after my husband, Ed, and I experienced a deeper relationship with our Lord through Cursillo and, later, the Charismatic Renewal.
In 1998, the Lord nudged us to go ahead and retire when Ed was only 62. God revealed the next step in His plan that very summer at the Cleveland Charismatic Conference. Shelley Meade and Bonnie Bobrowski, members of Presentation, presided over an information table displaying, several ministries, among which we noticed a brochure describing Guadalupe Bible College (GBC). "If we want to work full time for the Lord," I told Ed, "we really should know scripture better."
A few months later, in October, we found ourselves heading to the Discipleship Center in Peebles, Ohio to participate in a GBC orientation. Because we lived in Cleveland, we naturally assumed that we would utilize the home study courses. During the closing consultation, however, Vivian Jansen surprised us. A newly graduated, Bonnie Bobrowski, was teaching GBC courses in the Cleveland area.
We faithfully attended Bonnie's study at her parish in Bainbridge, Ohio, taking in stride the 45-minute commute (one way). Kay Vossler became our GBC teacher, reviewing and commenting on our answers to the study questions. Immediately after beginning classes in January of 1999, Bonnie, Shelley and Kay recommended for our consideration the 1999 Presentation Ministries Bible Institute. Accepting their proposal, we roomed at the Institute with Kay and her husband, Dick Vossler. During that eventful week we had much opportunity to share with Dick and Kay, Bonnie, and Shelley and her husband, Ken. With the arrival of Fall we continued our studies. Bonnie then invited us to attend her home based community, where we again met up with Dick and Kay, and Ken and Shelley. We had previous experience with small group communities having been a part of another community since 1971. But it was an isolated community and not associated with a larger group. On the other hand, its being part of Presentation Ministries, and the depth of Bonnie's community really attracted us. We officially joined St. Anthony Community that same Fall of 1999. Bonnie and Kay solicited the help of each of us in teaching at the Bible study, to which we agreed. Soon the members of St Anthony decided that Ed and I should join Bonnie in leadership of the community.
When God said that He would show us what He wanted us to do, He meant it. Our retirement years are surely anything but boring. Besides all of the involvement with GBC, St Anthony Community, and Presentation Ministries, we are the parents of eleven children; our thirty-first grandchild will be born in November and we have six great grandchildren.
To God be the glory and thanks!
Living the Liturgical Year in the Home
by Mary Hennessey
Years ago, when our oldest children were little, my husband and I rediscovered our faith in a much deeper way than before. We aimed at making our family a holy family and searched about for a way to do that. Success in observing Advent that year spurred us to "fully live" the liturgical year in our family circle.
Advent is rich with family activities to promote a genuine celebration of the coming of Jesus at Christmas. We remembered the Advent Wreath from our own childhoods but rediscovered the Jesse Tree as well. The Jesse Tree — a bare branch "planted" in plaster of Paris — is a wonderful tool to introduce the youngest children to scripture. Each day of Advent we craft a symbol of a particular biblical person (one who waited for the Savior to come) and then read their appropriate Bible story. By the end of Advent the kids have a basic foundation in salvation history.
Lent brings a new awakening to the Stations of the Cross. We have 5x7 pictures of each station in a row across the top of our sofa. It is surprising how much time the children take to look at the picture, ask questions, and meditate on our Lord's passion. We and our grown children seriously renew our commitment to prayer, and to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy each Lent. During Holy Week, we curtail much entertainment and limit television watching to videos on the Gospel.
Saints and their feast days are reason for festivity. We pick a few each month, most often our patron saints, and celebrate in style with a tasty dish. And we don't forget to celebrate our own baptism anniversaries. Generally, we celebrate with Mass followed by a nice treat or a special dinner, often inviting the godparents.
During November, the month of All Saints and All Souls, we arrange our extensive "saint collection" on the mantle. These statues, gifts for birthdays, baptisms, First Communions, remind us of our heavenly goal and all the saints who help us get there. Wishing to avoid the secular celebration of Halloween, we look instead to our faith. "All Saints Eve bonfires" prove to be a huge hit with the many invited families who join us. Circling the fire to pray and play, we chant the traditional Litany of the Saints, then each father invokes the names of his family's patrons.
There are other ways to celebrate during the year. Match the color of the dining room tablecloth and other decorations to the liturgical seasons. Investigate and pray for the Pope's intentions for each month. Incorporates the Church's dedication of the month in the home (i.e. June—the Sacred Heart). Participate in Novenas such as the Pentecost Novena or the Divine Mercy Novena. Pray the Nine First Friday and the Five First Saturday devotions (at least with the older kids).
In these ways we follow the ebb and flow of the seasons throughout the year, learn to hear God's word and teach our kids each day how to follow Jesus.
"An important purpose of the prayer of the domestic church is to serve as the natural introduction for the children to the liturgical prayer of the whole church, both in the sense of preparing for it and extending it into personal, family and social life....Likewise the Christian family will strive to celebrate at home and in a way suited to the members the times and feasts of the liturgical year" (Familiaris Consortsio, #61).
For a listing of resources from which I glean ideas for celebrating the liturgical year at home, please contact me at .