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Catholic Prayer Room

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    Please lord. Help with all the tests. ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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    Please lord. All tests clear ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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    Please Lord. Help with all clear test results. Please ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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    Be Still! ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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    For the spiritual and physical protection of my husband CWB and our daughter EB and for healing for them from any physical ailment known or unknown to us. And for safe travels for them, especially for EB who has to drive in the big city. EB is having car trouble right now, please protect her in that. Thank You Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here. ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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    Lord in my hour of need. Please help her be ok ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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    Fear is useless....LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said silently in our hearts. JESUS lead me out of "Egypt." With your staff your light, your love and your forgiveness may I see the parted Sea. JESUS I am totally dependent on YOU. FATHER you created me let me not look back in fear. The light is always there. May I see it. May I follow it. It is me that is the problem. The faith is always there. May I believe. Thank you for your help JESUS. JESUS I trust. ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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    Please Lord help me. All tests clear ---- We have prayed with you
    July 19, 2021
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