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Catholic Prayer Room

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    Hi please pray to God that our Father in heaven blesses us with financial freedom and financial abundance for my family my brothers my parents my partner Melissa my daughter Melanie for my friends and for myself Fernando so we can help share with others and give back to the house of God so they can help others as well in Jesus name I pray hallelujah ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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    For the spiritual and physical protection of my husband CWB and my daughter EB, and for the healing of any ailment known or unknown to us. Especially for CWB, who is not feeling well this morning. And for safe travels for them, especially for EB who has to drive in the big city and is having car trouble. Thank You Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here. ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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    Hi please pray to God that he blesses the friendship between Angel myself Fernando my brother Eric and that he guides us toward him and direct us towards him so we can always be brothers in Christ and be in one faith in Jesus name hallelujah ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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    Fear is useless....LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said silently in our hearts. The he word of LORD JESUS is in hard ground and in the thorns. JESUS help me fertilize the ground and help me pull the weeds. Strange how a lettuce started growing in the crack in by driveway. JESUS like how you help me avoid the lettuce when I drive in and out of my driveway may I help your word spread. Like how our friends and neighbor avoid stepping or driving on the lettuce may I spread the word of JESUS. Thank you for that lettuce in y driveway. JESUS I trust. ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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    Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit, I commend to you Pat Mic, anoint melt mould touch fill heal and keep them safe blessed protected, to reach their milestones and continue to be a source of joy and blessing to their family. St Michael St Patrick guard and guide them, specially during lockdown as they are home bound. Bless their parents, grand parents with good health. Keep them safe blessed protected, and wash away all traces of Covid from every state, country, nation, the world, so children can once again enjoy the companionship of friends, family, loved ones. Amen ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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    Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit be in total control over transition to new premises for a friend and family. Let every hurdle, obstacle, be straightened and smoothed out, so all permissions are granted safe blessed and protected. For each member of the family an abundance of good health, wisdom understanding discernment to do Gods holy will. Mama Mary be a mother to them.All you angels and saints and family souls intercede for them, now and always. Amen ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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    Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit anoint melt mould touch fill heal self spouse children/spouses grand children inlaws extended family caregivers and all who assist us and have asked for prayer. Cover them with your precious blood Jesus, have mercy on all and draw us closer to your sacred heart and the immaculate heart of your dearest Mother. Special prayer requested for healing of Patrick, Milly, Pam, Jude and their infirmities. Lord hear our prayer and let our cry come unto you. ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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    Please heal us inside and out. Please help all her tests clear. Thank you for all the blessings love and acceptance. ---- We have prayed with you
    July 23, 2021
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