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Catholic Prayer Room

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    Lord Jesus, I choose you to be the Lord of my thoughts, words, deeds, all that I am all that I have all that I do, each and every day of my life, reveal your bounty and goodness and your plan for my life and the lives of my loved ones who depend on me. Grant me the knowledge wisdom grace courage strength discernment to follow you more closely. When I fall, help me rise, and start once again. O my beloved Jesus, O come O come Emmanuel and ransom us poor sinners as we wait in joyful hope for your coming at Christmas. ---- We have prayed with you
    December 12, 2021
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    Thank you Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit for your healing merciful touch you are sending right now upon Mary Thelma PJ GB PB Pam Ron Rob Michael Patrick Patti Mansingh Kaptan Toni Jude Ann, Lord you alone know them iniside out their hopes fears longings aspirations for their physical emotional spiritual and temporal wellbeing. Surround them with your all pervading merciful love, kindness and compassion, wash away their iniquities and cleanse them from their sins. Draw them day by day closer to your sacred heart and the Immaculate heart of your dearest Mother. I entrust them to you, let your holy will be done in their lives. For their spouses/children siblings every grace and blessing to stand by them and support them in every way possible. Mama Mary be a mother to them and intercede for them now and always. Amen ---- We have prayed with you
    December 12, 2021
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    For the spiritual and physical protection of my husband CWB, our daughter EB and my brother SFR and for healing from any ailment known or unknown to us. And for safe travels for them, especially EB who has to drive in the big city. Thank You Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here. ---- We have prayed with you
    December 12, 2021
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    Fear is useless....LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said silently in our hearts. JESUS allow me to rejoice as You have rejoiced. May the infant JESUS grow in me rejoicing this advent. May the prayers of the Lady of Guadolupe bring rejoicing and equality to all. May the unborn infants bring rejoicing to the world. May the word of St John the Baptizer bring rejoicing in the world. May my thoughts, prayers, words and actions bring rejoicing in the world. However most of all may JESUS be rejoicing and bring us all to rejoicing. JESUS I trust. ---- We have prayed with you
    December 12, 2021
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    Please pray for our dad's healing from cancer, that the pain will stop and his scan will be clear, thank you ---- We have prayed with you
    December 12, 2021
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    For healing, for our world and protection from covid
    United States
    December 12, 2021
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    On the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe AND the United States Supreme Court discussing abortion laws, it is most appropriate to pray to Mary for an end to abortion.Pray to Our Lady Of Guadalupe for an end to abortion.Our Lady of Guadalupe with Your unborn Child; Jesus...You appeared to Juan Diego and said:"Here I shall listen to their weeping and their sorrows.""I shall take them all to my heart, and I shall cure their many sufferings, afflictions, and sorrows."We consecrate all abortion mills, pharmaceutical companies, elected and appointed officials and judges in the Americas and countries around the world, the United Nations and all listed below to Youtake them all to Your Heart.Our Lady of Guadalupe touch the hearts of all women and men contemplating an abortion who feel alone, confused and don't know where to turn...take them to Your Heart. ---- We have prayed with you
    December 12, 2021
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    Please heal us inside and out. Please heal our marriage. Help me in the dark time. Thank you for all the blessings love and acceptance. ---- We have prayed with you
    December 12, 2021
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