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Praying that our daughter EB will not require hand surgery. She has a follow up appointment with her doctor this morning to find out. Thank You Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here.
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For help with my son who struggles with alcohol addiction. May God keep my son close and help him to overcome the temptation to drink alcohol. May God help my son deal with his depression and anxiety with prayer, supplication and reflection. May God help all those who deal with alcohol addiction, depression and anxiety.
Carmen Montemayor
Houston, Texas 77064, TX
United States
May 10, 2022
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Please help this dark time. Please help it end. Thanks for all the blessings love and acceptance.
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Thank you Lord for your loving kindness. Father, my faith is in you. I pray to find someone to relieve me and protect my job for me .In Jesus name we pray Amen.
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For the newly baptized and all who joined the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass. Alleluia!
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For the spiritual and physical protection of my husband CWB, our daughter EB and my brother SFR and for their healing from any ailment known or unknown to us. And for safe travels for them, especially EB who has to drive every day in the big city. Asking for healing for my childhood friend DDB, who has esophageal cancer and for my husband who has a hernia. Thank You Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here.
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Fear is useless......LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said silently in our hearts. JESUS help me love you more. Let me be a humble Christian in all i think and all i do. JESUS help the people in Ukraine. Help us all who want to help them and others. FATHER thank you for the good time a had with my dog Toami yesterday. She a gift from You. JESUS is love. JESUS is peace. JESUS is all powerful. JESUS wills miracles. JESUS saves. JESUS i trust.
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Please help me in this dark time. Please help it stop. Thank you for all the blessings love and acceptance. Please help my mind ease. Thanks. Prepare my way soon.
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