gbc overview
GBC Overview
- a personalized approach to systematically learning the truths of divine revelation as taught by the Church magisterially and Biblically (see 1 Tm3:15).
- a personalized approach to being a disciple of Jesus and making disciples for Jesus (Mt 28:19).
- a personalized approach to being equipped (Eph 4:11), to permeate the secular culture with the gospel (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 899).
"Without knowledge even zeal is not good."
—Prv 19:2
The purpose of GBC is to provide an organic, systematic, and comprehensive understanding of divine revelation (see Catechism, 5, emphasis added). "Organic" means organized. In this way, we understand the inter-relationships of the parts to the whole of divine revelation. "Systematic" means that we study in an orderly way. "Comprehensive" means we study all that God has revealed through the Church and in the Bible.
Selections from our curriculum include all the books of the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the documents of Vatican II, and Papal encyclicals. We offer programs on how to teach the Bible, renew your parish, build Christian communities, use spiritual gifts, etc. A director will help you map out your personalized course of studies. The program usually lasts from three to six years. In the Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Peebles, Ohio area you can also take any course without committing yourself to the whole program.
"Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may eventually become wise."
—Prv 19:20
GBC makes courses available at several locations:
- Presentation Ministries Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Retreat Center, Peebles, Ohio (75 miles East of Cincinnati)
- Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Parishes in the Cincinnati, & Cleveland, Ohio area
- Homes: the Lord wants homes to be restored as the primary place for discipling and education. Therefore, we have some courses in homes.
You can enroll in GBC even if you live far away from Cincinnati, because most of the curriculum can be taken as home study courses. However, a portion of it MUST be done by attending programs in the Cincinnati area.
In home study, you will have a teacher available for personal consultations and have publications and audio/video recordings available to help you in your studies.
"Day after day, both in the temple and at home, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news of Jesus the Messiah."
—Acts 5:41
GBC is intentionally not accredited. Although we offer certificates acknowledging the completion of the program, we encourage people to learn in order to live for Jesus more deeply and to serve Him better, not to learn merely for academic credentials and to be more competitive in the job market.
The Lord wants all to be equipped for ministry and to be discipled regardless of their financial situation. Therefore, GBC has no set price for its programs. We ask you to pray and let the Holy Spirit guide you in determining your contribution.
Pope John Paul II has taught: "Formation is not the privilege of a few, but a right and duty of all. In this regard the Synod Fathers have said: 'Possibilities of formation should be proposed to all, especially the poor, who can also be a source of formation for all' " (Lay Members of Christ's Faithful People, 63). Therefore, formation must be inexpensive and compatible with the time constraints of the typical lay Christian.
"Faith comes through hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
—Rm 10:17
GBC is open to all who want to know Jesus—from young adults to retired people, from people with little education to college grads, from executives to blue-collar workers. Students should be committed Christians who love the Church and are submissive to the authority of the Pope. They should have a strong sacramental life and want to serve Jesus and His Church by the power of the Spirit. New Students are required to attend a weekend orientation with limited exceptions made for non USA residents, prisoners and person with extenuating family circumstances.
Audio tape AV-79-3 or video tape AV-79 also present an overview of GBC.