Pope Benedict XVI

Migrants and Refugees

Pope Benedict XVI, Shepherd of Truth

Notable quotations from Pope Benedict XVI and official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church

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The [Vatican II] Council Fathers in response to the appeal of Bl. John XXIII undertook to examine the signs of the times and to interpret them in the light of the Gospel so as to offer the new generations the possibility of responding adequately to the eternal questions about this life and the life "to come and about just social relations" (Guadium et Spes, n. 4)


One of the recognizable signs of the times today is ... migration, a phenomenon ... which can be said to have taken on structural characteristics, becoming an important factor of the labor market worldwide, a consequence among other things of the enormous drive of globalization.


A recent fact deserving mention is the growing number of women involved...It is a fact that the presence of women is especially prevalent in sectors that offer low salaries. If ... migrant workers are particularly vulnerable, this is even more so in the case of women.


The most common employment opportunities for women, other than domestic work, consist in helping the elderly, caring for the e sick and work in the hotel sector. These, too, are areas where Christians are called to dedicate themselves to assuring just treatment for migrant women out of respect for their femininity in recognition of their equal rights.


The Church sees this entire world of suffering and violence through the eyes of Jesus...Hope, courage, love and "'creativity' in charity" ... must inspire the necessary human and Christian effort made to help those brothers and sisters in their suffering.


Their native churches will demonstrate their concern by sending pastoral agents of the same language and culture, in a dialogue of charity with the particular Churches that welcome them.


Particular attention should be paid to the phenomenon of foreign students.... Their number is growing, with consequent pastoral problems the Church cannot ignore.

(Source: Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees [1/16/06], issued 10/18/05)

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